Somatic Guidance and Coaching

Psychedelic Somatic Guide

“Authenticity is to know how we feel, be in touch in our bodies, and to express and manifest who we are.” – Gabor Maté

Welcome! Embodied Guidance and Coaching is passionate about helping people experience wholeness and authenticity by accessing deep states of healing and by empowering you to connect with the most authentic parts of yourself. Through experiences in childhood and culture, we may have been taught to not know ourselves authentically; to know how we are feeling, to be in tune with our bodies, to listen to our gut feelings, to know what we desire. What will help us find that authenticity? Connection with our bodies. In somatic (body) coaching and guidance, the focus is on deepening connection with your body to cultivate your innate wisdom and power to know and express yourself more authentically.


Somatic guidance allows access to the body where we store our traumas, suppressed emotions, stuck energy, unconscious patterns/behaviors, and relational patterns. Scientific research has shown that we store memories, experiences, and emotions on a cellular level. Which means that our bodies, not only our minds, hold the experiences of the past. Until recently, the mind-body connection has been largely ignored in modern western science, even as this connection has long been essential to traditional healing.

Based on past experiences, the brain and body have been imprinted, leaving the body with unconscious, deeply rooted beliefs such as “I am bad”, “I not good enough”, or “I don’t deserve love”. Many times, we may not even be aware of the beliefs we carry until confronted with a struggle related to it. A certain trigger in life can bring up this implicit somatic memory. The body holds the key to working with these unconscious beliefs and memories to first become aware and then to process and heal.

Your subconscious mind makes up about 95% of your brain activity and is a powerful force.

In this work, we use the body as a key to unlock access to our subconscious minds where deep healing and transformation happens. Because we can access the source of unconscious or stuck patterns and emotions, we have a very powerful tool for gaining clarity and creating new patterns, behaviors, and perspectives.

Together, we discover what subconscious beliefs and programs have been running your life’s choices. We learn which are authentic to you and which derive from the conditioning of your childhood, environment, and culture. We establish a relationship with your intuition and your inner power to cultivate a deeper connection with the wisdom that resides within you. We will work to create new patterns and behaviors that are aligned with your authenticity and deep desires.


“Working with Betsy was an incredible experience. She was very methodical, careful, and warm in her integration and in her facilitating our sessions. We worked together over 6 weeks for 5 sessions, 3 of which were using medicine. I was able to access and process some deep-rooted sticking points that I have not been able to remove with any other type of therapy (of which I have tried many!). With Betsy's guidance I have been able to integrate these findings and teachings into my daily life. Highly recommended if you are serious about making long term, positive changes to your mental health. Thanks Betsy and I look forward to our next rendezvous!” -TJ


“I was able to access more difficult emotions and open a dialogue with past and future versions of myself. I could better connect with the feelings of shame, anger and joy, and what they felt like in my body. After what seemed like an internal yelling match between parts of myself, (permitting anger is difficult for me) it allowed me to tap into more compassion for myself and encouraged strength for my present being.” - KK

The body holds the key to unlocking our innate wisdom. Through somatic coaching, we will work to process what is stuck, understand and shift current disempowering patterns/behaviors, and create connection with the most authentic parts of yourself.

At Embodied Guidance, we provide an empathetic, trauma-informed space, to help facilitate your connection with your body and subconscious. We will work together to deepen your innate wisdom, inner power, self-acceptance and self-love.

We will do this from a place of compassion and curiosity leaving any shame or judgment aside.

As you become familiar with your authentic parts, you will strengthen your own self-acceptance and inner power and connect with your passions and desires.

“The two most important phrases in therapy, as in yoga, are “Notice that” and “What happens next?” Once you start approaching your body with curiosity rather than with fear, everything shifts.”

― Bessel A. van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma